Saturday, June 20, 2009

First trip to the network care chiro...

So my first trip to the 'chiro' was interesting. We started off chatting about what I was there for. I told him that I am a typical type A personality and a perfectionist. He told me he could tell from the email I'd written (Geez, didn't realise it was that bad!).

I walked him through the weird way I always recruit my neck muscles when doing heavy weights or core excersises and the pain from a Uni injury in my lower right back. He said that I was making him dizzy just by sitting there talking to me - not only was I talking fast, but I also held my body tensely (eek!).

I got on to the table, face down. First he examined my muscles and basically they were all tense. In a permanent tense state and to top it off, he said they were like steel. In some places they were more than steel, which I guess makes me Wolverine with adamantium muscles. Cool, but not really. My hamstrings were so tight he could see them through my jeans. I'm one messed up cookie!

As I lay on the table, there was no bone cracking (something I was freaked out by and would never let anyone do). No massaging either, he just hit certain pressure points in my muscles. Soon, I started to feel the muscles in my legs pulsing. I could really feel the blood flowing through them. He had to keep telling me to relax my shoulders (which I thought I was already doing). So, no changes to note there. On the way back to work my trapezius muscle in my shoulders felt like it was burning a little bit.

Ever since this visit, my neck muscles have seemed tight the entire weekend. They are always sore. Also, I've noticed that I unconsciously always have my shoudlers up near my ears and I have to really think about relaxing them. Next appointment is tomorrow. Keep following for my next update!


How Network Care Works

Network Care teaches your body how to self-correct, dissipate, integrate and release tensions on its own. This is an ability you will learn over a series of visits and have for the rest of your life. Practitioners use very gentle, specific touches to areas of your spine where your stress and tensions attach. Through these gentle touches practitioners bring your brain’s attention to areas that are holding on to tension, and encourage your body to release it.

When the nerve system is freed from interference caused by misalignment or tensions on the spine and nerves, then the body can achieve a higher form of healing and alignment.

Friday, June 19, 2009

In the beginning...

This blog will follow me on my journey to becoming a healthy person. I never really thought of myself as an unhealthy person. I was never really overweight and I stayed (mostly) away from fast food. That's healthy, right? Well, not really or at least not enough.

I have been using two professionals to help me become a healthy person. I see a personal trainer 2 times a week and I'm seeing a naturopath/nutritionist to change my diet. I've recently added a network care practitioner. Network Care is a gentle non-manipulative style of Chiropractic.

This is my journey to become a healthinator.