Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Yummy Primal Fried Chicken

I've been scraping together random bits and pieces; eating mostly fried eggs at night since it was 'easy' and I didn't have enough ingredients to make anything else.

However, tonight I cooked my first proper primal recipe. The recipe I tried was from the free primal reader-created cookbook from Mark's Daily Apple: Crispy Nut and Herb Fried Chicken with Creamy Avocado (pg. 52). I used all four nuts pictured: almonds, walnuts, macadamia, and pecans. I also chose rosemary as my herb and only 1 egg since I was making just one portion.

Instead of chicken breast I used a chicken leg (the only thing I had defrosted!). First time making this recipe, first time making fried chicken, first time working with chicken leg... the only thing I felt was hard was getting the timing of cooked meet in balance with a too crispy coating.

In the end, served with a quarter of an avocado (3 slices) and it tasted amazing even if just slightly burnt.

I used to estimate the nutritional values of this dish. Everything is estimated, so (disclaimer) may not be completely accurate!

A few berries for desert to top it off. Yummy! Happy belly!

UPDATE (10/Jan/12): After many more attempts at making this (it's my new favourite) I've found the best way to make this without burning is to use chicken breast and flatten it with a mallet like chicken schnitzel. Then proceed with recipe instructions as normal.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Meat Overload

Last night I made my first lamb roast with a spinach, feta, spring onion (eshallot) and balsamic salad. Not bad, loved the salad (mostly the cheese part), but I think I over cooked my lamb slightly. : /

This morning I had 2 fried organic eggs and 2 mini organic beef sausages. I made 3 sausages, but found I got too full to eat the last one. I think this is more meat than I've had in a really long time, so I definitely wasn't liking all the sausage this morning.

I finished eating at 10, did my sprints at 10:30 and only starting to feel hungry at 1:30 for lunch. Time to forage in my kitchen for food. I'm thinking a lamb salad... and maybe some blue/rasp/strawberries or cherries for a little sweetness.

If I'm lucky, I'll pop over to my friends place tonight (also primal) and will partake in primal fish tacos (hold the taco).

Friday, November 11, 2011

Going Primal

I started researching healthy things to eat to help grow healthier, thicker hair and stumbled across the Paleo Diet blog called Free the Animal

One holiday and three weeks later, I was back in town at a friend's BBQ and talking about how she and a couple other friends were going primal using Mark's Daily Apple blog. Living like the first humans would have - hunter-gather style. 

Seeing that I'd been researching a lot of different lifestyle changes for diet, including Ayurvedic diets (I'm Pitta Dosha), the primal lifestyle seemed like a good way to combine all of things I've been reading.

So, today I went to the shops and bought a lot of primal approved food for the week. I don't know what I'm going to create yet. There are a lot of recipes and I'm not great in the kitchen, so there's going to have to be a lot of research.

But, this is what I purchased for my first primal shop...

Veggies / Fruit

  • Spinach
  • Parsley
  • Eshallots
  • Organic Carrots
  • Cherries
  • White Onion
  • Avacado
  • Eggplant
  • Portabello mushrooms
  • Diced Tomatoes (canned)
  • Garlic
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Organic Eggs
  • Organic Chicken Breast
  • Organic Chicken Drumsticks
  • Organic Beef Sausages
  • Lamb Roast
  • Coconut Milk (canned)
  • Tapioca Flour
  • Beef Stock
As part of this change, I want to also head back to the naturopath and monitor my blood as I did in previous posts to see how the diet is affecting it.